Client Configuration

Using TLS

By default, a Client can only speak to HTTP addresses. This is because hyper doesn’t ship with a TLS implementation. You may have noticed that Client::new() returns a Client<HttpConnector>. We can plug in a different connector using the client config.

Since connecting to HTTPS addresses is so common, hyper provides a separate hyper-tls crate with a pluggable HttpsConnector. Here’s how you’d use it.

use hyper_tls::HttpsConnector;

let https = HttpsConnector::new();
let client = Client::builder()
    .build::<_, hyper::Body>(https);


As mentioned in the section about TLS, Client is generic over a connector.

You can plug in any kind of connector you need. This means that you could pick a different TLS implementation than the one chosen by hyper-tls, such as rustls. You could also have a completely different way of creating IO objects. Here’s some ideas of things that could be connectors:

  • Unix sockets
  • Proxies
  • In-memory streams (such as for testing)